Farms of the highest zone of Santa Cruz
Estación Charles Darwin

The top of Santa Cruz Island offers important attractions due to its climate and vegetation. In the highest point of the island is located a humid tropical forest that offers a very different habitat from the one in the lower landscape.

Even this sector is private property, it is one of the major tourist destination to visit. It is made up by more than more 150 hectares, which borders with the territories of the Galapagos National Park. Tortoises migrate from the park to this property at certain times of year. They go in search of shade, water or suitable places for incubating their eggs.

Visitors to this farm make a journey of about 30 minutes, which lets you see the huge Galapagos tortoises in their natural state.

When visiting this place there is also a natural lava tunnel about 300 meters, it is possible to walk through thanks to a dim lighting installed by the owners of the property.


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