DURATION It lasts 8 hours approx.
IT INCLUDES Bilingual guide tour, snorkeling equipment (mask and fins) and box lunch.
DOESN’T INCLUDE Wetsuit, pick up.

– The tours are with shared departures, if you want a private tour, the values ​​change.
– Tours are subject to date and time availability.
– The complete information of each person is needed to make the reservation of the tours.
– Tours are paid 100% to be booked.

After being picked up at the hotel they are met and transferred to the Itabaca Canal to board the yacht. The navigation to Seymour will take around 45min. This is a wonderful island for hiking, swimming, or snorkeling; In addition to this, you will be able to observe as part of the fauna the Palo Santo and blue-footed boobies, a colony of offspring making their courtship (depends on the travel season), the tailed gull sitting on the cliffs and admire the large number of frigatebirds in their nests. One of the best attractions in the Galapagos Islands is watching the frigate birds with their huge red breasts growing from their necks. In another part of the island, you can see sea lions playing and swimming in the waves.

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