This specie comes to life The expeditioners celebrate in front of the heart touching turtle eyes. The chelonoidis phantasticus, a Giant turtle of Galápagos who was declared extinted in 1906, was found 2 days ago by a group of conservacy experts. This news touches the entire scientific community, few are the species that after being
It is a group of Islands like Isabela, which was named in honor of Queen Isabel I of Castilla, another example would be the Santa Cruz Island named after the Cross of Christ, where most of the human settlement is shown, and other islands belonging to the archipelago where there is an extravagant type of fauna terrestrial and marine,

The top of Santa Cruz Island offers important attractions due to its climate and vegetation. In the highest point of the island is located a humid tropical forest that offers a very different habitat from the one in the lower landscape. Even this sector is private property, it is one of the major tourist destination to