✅Accommodation in a tourist class hotel.
✅Food: 3x breakfasts 2x lunches (box lunch in outdoor activities)
✅Bilingual naturalist guide (authorized by the Galapagos National Park)
✅Ground transportation during the tours
✅Transfer in and out from Baltra airport
✅Inter-island transfer (public boat)
✅Snorkeling equipment (mask, tube and fins)


❎Air ticket Entrance to the Galapagos National Park: $100 p.p. (foreign); $50 p.p. (Andean community); $6 p.p. (nationals).
❎Immigration control card: $20 p.p.
❎Municipal Tax in Isabela: $10 p.p. (foreign); $5 p.p. (nationals).
❎Water taxi $2.50 p.p. (total)
❎Wetsuits $5 p.p. (recommended between May and November)
❎Internal bus in Baltra $5 p.p. (via)
❎Alcoholic and carbonated beverages.

In this program you will be able to have a short but amazing island-hopping adventure visiting two out of four of our populated islands. During your trip you will experience trekking on volcanoes, swimming on turquoise waters, snorkeling with colorful fishes and walk with giant tortoises in their natural habitat. You will also be accompanied but our talented guides and enjoy our local food in our restaurants.

Day 1


Your tour will start from the Baltra airport (GPS) where the guide will pick you up upon arrival at the airport and later take you to Puerto Ayora where we will have lunch. After lunch, we will go to the Gus Angermeyer Pier where you will take a public launch to Isabela. This will take approximately 2 1/2 hours, please note this can be a bumpy ride, so prepare yourself with motion sickness pills and a waterproof jacket. Upon your arrival in Isabela, our guide will meet you to take you to your hotel and after a short rest you will go to the Flamingos lagoon, one of the flamingo breeding sites. Accommodation at the Hotel San Vicente or similar.
Day 2


Early in the morning, after breakfast, we will make an excursion to the second largest active crater in the world Sierra Negra Volcano, located 13 miles from Puerto Villamil with 6 miles of extension and 300 feet of depth. To get to this incredible view you will travel by bus for 45 minutes to the entrance of the Galapagos National Park, where the hike to the Sierra Negra Volcano begins, this hike will take approximately 2 hours, this starts from 870 meters of altitude and at the top of the crater It will have reached 1040 meters. We will have a box lunch upstairs and then go to Volcán Chico to feel the hot land and different colors of lava and at the end we will return to the hotel. After a short rest at the hotel, we will have the opportunity to snorkel or swim in Concha de Perla, where we can observe colorful fish, sea urchins, starfish, sea lions and if we are lucky sea turtles. Accommodation at the Hotel San Vicente or similar.
Day 3


During this day, early in the morning (05h30), we will go to the pier to take the speedboat from Isabela to Puerto Ayora. Upon arrival in Santa Cruz we will have breakfast at a local restaurant. After a short break we will start the journey to the Charles Darwin Research Station, where we can find pens with giant Galapagos Tortoises among other most representative species of the archipelago. An educational talk will be received on evolution and research carried out within the station for the preservation of the archipelago. Lunch will be served at a local restaurant. After lunch, we will visit the upper part of Santa Cruz. Through walks you will be able to know the natural habitat of endemic species such as the Giant Tortoises, Finches and the Pá-jaro Brujo. In addition to unique and abundant vegetation that make this natural environment such a special visit, we will be able to enter a lava tunnel almost 12 meters long. Then we will return to Puerto Ayora Accommodation at the Dejavu hotel or similar.
Day 4


After breakfast, we will transfer to Baltra airport. On the way to Baltra airport. We will make a stop at “Los Gemelos” or “Twin Craters” located one in front of the other. A formation created by surface collapse due to lava flow many years ago. The tour ends with arrival at the airport.